Mission Statement

St Pius X Pro Life committee Mission Statement was adopted March 16, 1999

"To defend and uphold "the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end and to affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree."* The St Pius X Pro life committee exists to promote the sanctity of human life through education, social support, advocacy, social action and prayer and to encourage each member of the parish family to give witness to this teaching of the Church. Our goal is to defend and protect life in all stages. We strive to educate the parish and help them to be informed about current issues. We publish a quarterly newsletter that is distributed with the bulletin to accomplish that.

Who Can Join?

Anyone committed to defend and respect life from natural conception to death. We have youth members on our committee as well as adults.

When Do We Meet?

We meet the first Monday of the month @ 6:30pm in the church hall at St. Pius X Parish, Westerly, Rhode Island (except July and August).

What Do We Do?

The first Saturday of the month we pray a pro life rosary before the 8am Mass at St. Pius X Parish (approx, @ 7:30am)

We host the annual Walk for Life in October-usually the 3rd Sunday of the month. Money collected from pledges are used for local pro life resources.

We sponsor youth to go the annual March for Life in Washington DC on Jan. 22nd.

We sponsor Pro Life speakers regarding abortion, end of life issues, NFP, etc.

We encourage others to witness to life outside abortion mills. During Lent, the Knights of Columbus meet at 7am in the Immaculate Conception Church parking lot to go to the Women's Medical Center in Cranston to pray. It is a prayerful and peaceful gathering. We encourage prayers for the women going in the abortion mill, their unborn babies, their husbands or significant others that have brought them there, the abortion escorts outside, the staff inside, the nurses who assist in the procedure and the abortionists. Prayer will soften and convert hearts. We condemn any violence or behavior that is not peaceful. There are also many people for a variety of reasons are not able to or comfortable in going to an abortion facility. We ask that you pray a rosary at home or in church that there will be an end to abortion. We need prayer warriors. We need YOU to pray for our mission and the many throughout the world who witness to the sanctity of life in hopes that someday the insanity will end.

Be an ACTIVE Pro Life supporter

No matter where you live, what your life situation is, how much or little time you can devote; become an ACTIVE supporter in the Pro Life movement. Because we care, millions of lives are saved. But there are tens of millions more that are crying out for our help. Your VOICE and your commitment to being Pro Life ACTIVE may save a life or two or more. May God bless us all in our efforts.

Pregnancy Center of Westerly


Contact us at (401) 596-2880 for free and confidential support.

We are blessed to house the Pregnancy Center of Westerly at the Immaculate Conception Parish center. The Center actively promotes the Gospel of Life by providing life-affirming counsel. For more information, please call the Center at 401-596-2880 or e-mail us at westerlypregnancy@yahoo.com.

The Pregnancy Center of Westerly offers compassionate and caring help to women who believe they may be pregnant. All support and services are free and confidential. We are here to help you consider all your options and get the facts. Contact us at 401-596-2880 to make an appointment.

Free Services: Free Education Offerings: Entrance to the Center is on the lower level around the back of the parish center building. From High Street, turn onto Narragansett Road and park in the lot behind Immaculate Conception Church. Enter through the Parish Center door (the building to the left).


Looking for more ways to help and witness to the Truth?

Pre Born at 18 weeks sucking thumb.
  • Wear precious feet--a lapel pin depicting the feet of a fetus in the womb at 10 weeks.  Interested? E-mail us--we will be glad to get you a pair.
  • Put a pro-life bumper sticker on your car.  Many of us dislike the looks of bumper stickers on our cars.  They do make you take notice, though!  This is one way of getting your message to many people.
  • Use pro-life checks.  Every time a check is written, it will have been touched by approximately 15 people before it is cashed and drawn on our account.  What better way to witness?  they have pictures of babies on them with sayings like "abortion stops a beating heart".  You will be surprised at the positive comments you will get.  These can be ordered from LifeChecks
  • Educate yourself to the facts.  We will have more on that on another page.  We are compiling statistics and facts to help you to better defend life.  We are also compiling a list of commonly asked questions and how to answer them about abortion. Stay tuned!
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